Monday, January 10, 2011

Red Wine

hey guys~! ( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ

currently going through a HUGE Baccano! phase. Initially watched this series in Japanese then rewatched the whole thing in English. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO PIECES <3<3 both sides had a marvellous and sexy cast! I was definitely blown away at all the seiyuu ear-candy present in the short 16 episodes. (WE NEED MOAR LAWL!) O(≧∇≦)O

Even though the story circulates around the concept that "no one is really a main character of the series" thus having a cast of characters rich with individual concepts, it didn't make it hard for you to relate or like them. (゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン In fact mine would definitely be Claire Stanfield aka Vino aka Rail Tracer aka Felix Walken. LAWL. you have to watch the series to get it BUT HE'S TOO AWESOME ♥

I was initially kinda sad that his character didn't get too much fleshing out (I mean, it /was/ meant to be a 13 episode series and it had a HUGE cast), but I was thrilled to discover that they released an extra 3 episode OVA with the DVD release (on the TOP of my to buy list now). (*≧▽≦)♪ And needless to say Vino had a huge chunk of the limelight this time. ♥♥

Anyways enough with my fangirlism ranting haha. ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ For those who haven't watch, it's a huge recommendation. Though be forewarned, it's no mainstream material so alot of talking, character exploring and plot development. So not too much fancy moves, intact characters and whatnot. But a definite recommend if you love Mafia themed stories. ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

Here is my current wallpaper decorated with Vino's Rail Tracer mode. HE'S TOO SEXY IN THIS MODE OKAY. lawl!! oh and ignore the little fujoshi joke at the bottom there. oh and no, this pic does not belong to me (*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*)

Though I hope I get to whip up a few Baccano! themed sketches soon! ♥ Have a great day guys!

my sexy baby. TELL ME HE'S SEXY OH YAH (*≧▽≦)♪


  1. Ooh, more fanarts from you <3 that's awesome~ ;D hahaha cover up the fujoshi jokes lawl

  2. hopefully la 8D Still prefer drawing originals but I'm slowly adapting to drawing characters I love from other series too <3<3

    yeah its waaayy at the bottom there so it's not out there where i can see 8D and plus, so far this is the nicest fanart with the most blood stained Vino I've got <3 too much lurve oh yea
