Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lemon Tea Part 1

Once there lived a penguin. She wasn't a special penguin or exceptional in any areas but she wasn't below average either. She was basically nothing remarkable in any way. But she did have something inside of her; an enormous belief in charting her own course.

You see, she lived in a world filled with so many types of animals with many talents. There were the Wise Wolves; always filled with leadership, the exquisite Cats; with beauty and curves like no other. There were even the Song-filled Crickets; always in a symphony with the singing birds and spreading beautiful music wherever they went.

But the one that the penguin looked up to the most were the Majestic Peacocks.

Like the peacocks in our world, they were utterly a sight to behold. Their long feathers with all colors of beautiful gems strung together, their dainty heads and beautiful green crowns were made as if to compliment every single attribute they had on their bodies. But unlike the peacocks in our world, they had big wings. Large, strong wings that spread out elegantly when opened. Needless to describe, this made them one of the highest animals to soar in that world.

Long has the little Penguin dreamed of the day she too will be as elegant and awe-inspiring as them. Both beautiful and kind those peacocks were, they often stop by the Penguin's little home on their commute to their grand parties or royal obligations for a small chat or a cup of lemon tea at her humble Cafe in the pit stop island in between the Palace route and the Main Land.

With every stop the peacocks bring, it filled the Little Penguin's firm belief that she too one day will be as majestic and be able to serve in the Royale Palace across the seas and maybe inspire other animals as the peacocks had inspired her.

Of course, she was thankful for being born into what she is. She never once wished that she was a peacock or any other animal. She was an optimistic child, believing that there was a reason to everything. If the High Heavens wanted her to be a peacock, then she would've been so when entering the world. But no. She was a penguin. And she was more than happy to make things work for her.

So the Little Penguin worked hard in polishing in the one skill she has that no other animal has; swimming. You see, on land, our Little Penguin can't elegantly or fast for that matter. But once she entered the endless place of the liquid filled land, no other animal can match. She was graceful, and elegant. She knew this to be her greatest attribute and spent every waking hour polishing that skill. After all, the Royale Palace was preparing for the hunting season in the underwater palaces; It was the perfect time for her to catch the eye of the King and earn her spot in the Royale Palace.

Her friends, the Peacocks, the Wolves, the Rabbits, even the grouchy Ground Moles gave their fullest support. The Penguin never felt happier or blessed with such supporting individuals in her life.

But as her passion for swimming grew, her passion in making tea lessened. It wasn't as if she came to hate making tea, its just that she now knew where her main focus in life lies at; Swimming. As the days went by, her time in making tea lessened.

After a few moons, her decided to give her Cafe to the Honey Bears who do well with creating masterpieces to fill the hungry tummies of the by-stoppers on the Island. She focused her time solely on her skill in swimming and made her occasional living by selling the treasures she find on her daily commute in the underwater towns. She still makes tea, but only for her close friends when they came to visit her or when she felt like indulging in some.

The Little Penguin felt that it was the first time in her life that she found her reason in living. What she was born to do. Why she was born. She felt so filled with Life and was living her days to the fullest and she was as chirpy as any little Penguin in her position would be.

But not everyone was as enthusiastic about her drastic change in focus as she was. The Peacocks weren't against her passion for swimming but they harbored an opinion that she was the better tea brewer they had in that Region, so seeing her handing her tea and Cafe over to the Honeybears irked them. But they said nothing of it since they thought it was better not to.... though that motion didn't last long.

On one of their visits to the Penguin's home for a cup of tea, The Baroness Peacock and her daughter, the Little Penguin's two most loved individuals in her life, stated their opinion and slight frustration regarding the Penguin's lack of commitment to her tea making skills as they admired that skill of hers rather highly. The Penguin, rather taken aback simply explained about her new found passion with Swimming and that she was certain that this was her path to thread. The Baroness and her daughter said nothing more at the subject.

But the Baroness and her daughter started to frequent the Penguin more and more. And each time, relaying their frustrations over and over. The Penguin, taking high regard to her idols' opinions, was more than happy to make as much tea for the two as they wish if they had miss it that much, but apparently that wasn't enough for the two.

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