Monday, April 12, 2010


Yeap! you guessed it! Its the new, fast paced fighting game that graced the market last year for PS3 and now PSP (yeay!); BlazBlue! (*≧▽≦)

Last week, a dear friend of mine left his Playstation 3 and a handful of games at my place overnight so I and fellow GAR member, Saku can give it a go and amongst the stash of games he left was the Fighting Game "BlazBlue", all wrapped in it's blue cover glory
\(o ̄∇ ̄o)/

I can't say much about gameplays and all since I'm not a very experienced gamer but I've been wanting to give this particular game a go ever since I heard that it was out in the market. Mainly it was because I saw the reviews, designs and above all it was because it was promoted as another franchise from the creator of Fighting game "Guilty Gear". I'm a huge fan of his and has been able to keep up with his works thus far (despite the fact that I don't get to actually play his games, I do follow his designs and all).

The fact that my friend spent close to RM200 additional just for a HD cable worked out very well for all of us as the colors, sound and movements were set perfectly on the LCD television and Home Theater System that dominated our living room. As we proceeded to play the game, my friend (who I will call 'Kim' in this entry for convenience), carefully and patiently tutored me on how to execute basic commands on several characters since Saku was kicking my butt all the way despite it being her first time as well. After trying several characters I find the character Taokaka and Ragna the Bloodedge to be most suited for my usage.

But as I only had the chance to play it for 2 days, I didn't really get my fill. But fellow GAR member Peecee told me of him owning the game on his PSP which I was pleasantly surprised by since I own a PSP.

so currently I'm hitting a few bumps with installing the game into my PSP but I'm really excited to own it on my PSP. God knows I hardly get to play video games when I was young so I'm really game starved haha. Can't wait !!



  2. HE'S ALL YURS BEBEH 8D my taste is more towards Ragna <3

  3. Me likes the game too! forgot the name of the characters. I like the witch girl with lightning attacks and the blur uniform girl with guns >< ><

    How are you RYU!!! HAven't talked with you guys for the longest time!!! miss you all a lot!

  4. omg MUNMUN! D8 HOW HAVE YOU BEENN!!! yeah it's been ages since we talked!! Miss you too loads!
