Thursday, January 6, 2011


a little something I did for the KAMCAO website some time ago.
Background image is credited to: 憂雨

Good Evening Guys! ( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ

Firstly I'd like to thank all my wonderful friends and GAR members that commented on my previous post and even hand me some good old advice that got me looking forward and running again. (*≧▽≦)♪ I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends that kick me in the butt and pat my head at the right moments. YOSH! I shall do my best!! Thank you to all my senpai-tachis for surrounding me with your warmth!

So how you guys like the new banner and color scheme? ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノAfter reading through all the heart felt comments yesterday at my previous post, I thought that the theme ”ぬくもり” or "Warmth" would be a wonderful theme to start on for the year 2011 ☆

So I picked out an illustration that I did that fits the theme best and played around with it in Photoshop and VOILA! Not too shabby right? O(≧∇≦)O Oh and the Banner's extra brush is also the same as the background used for above's illustration so credit goes to the awesome artist. I even edited the Font Colors to match the illustration and feel ♡

Other than that, I also added new songs to the playlist on the right so feel free to play whenever you like! ☆ The first song is put as commemoration of the website's current theme and one of my current favourites; "ぬくもり" (Nukumori) by HOME MADE KAZOKU. This song never fails to keep me calm everytime I turn it on. (゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン It's simply wondrous, the effect of the right songs has on your mental state. Other than that, I added "Hello Again~昔からある場所" by JUJU, "Break a Road" by Mamoru Miyano (a recommended listen!) and kept "ふたりごと" by RADWIMPS because I love it too much still. (*・∀・)/♡

I'm slowly getting productive again. I found some Gurren Lagann fanart that I did last year and gonna plan to complete a few before I go to KL again next weekend so I can scan them and upload them here 八(^□^*) がんばります!

Let me know what you think 'bout the new look of the blog yeah? (*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*)



  1. I love the changes. it's great to hear you're happy again. You're best when you're smiling and a sunflower. it's okay to start again bit by bit, but still progressing, and that's more important. take your time and keep on drawing!

    Best of luck, ryuryu-chan! <3 /hugs

  2. ;w; sankyu senpai!! em! I'll keep my head up and do my best in improving bit by bit as you say. Fighto!

    em! thanks senpai TwT /hugs
